
SOWELL: Battling back against surging campus intolerance

Storm-trooper tactics by bands of college students making ideological demands across the country, and immediate pre-emptive surrender by college administrators—such as at the University of Missouri recently—bring back memories of the 1960s, for those of us old enough to remember what it was like being there, and seeing firsthand how painful events unfolded. At Harvard, […]

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BARLOW: The real motive of the gun-control intelligentsia

Agendas are a tricky thing. On the one hand, it’s easy to assume that someone’s agenda motivates his or her actions and that this is inherently sinister. But even after spending over a decade in politics, I still think most people are good and want the best for their neighbor, their community, and themselves.

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DOWD: A liberal’s GOP brother rates the 2016 candidates

With the intense interest in the thrill-a-minute, through-the-looking-glass 2016 race, fueled by anger at maladjusted Washington and anxiety after the Paris attacks, I decided to let my Republican brother offer his red-state soliloquy, hoping. He-e-e-ere’s Kevin:

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SHEPARD: Latest Lilly Endowment gusher furthers state impact

During a season when we often pause to express gratitude, Indiana can give special thanks for Lilly Endowment’s recent commitment of $100 million to 14 cultural institutions. The endowment’s action will enrich our civic life. And if you haven’t thought about its economic impact, think again.

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BROOKS: A founding father charts a path on climate change

I’ve been confused about this Paris climate conference and how the world should move forward to ameliorate climate change, so I seanced up my hero Alexander Hamilton to see what he thought. I was sad to be reminded that he doesn’t actually talk in hip-hop, but he still had some interesting things to say.

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KRUGMAN: Health care reform thrives despite rough patches

To the right’s dismay, scare tactics — remember death panels? — and spurious legal challenges failed to protect the nation from the scourge of guaranteed health coverage. Still, Obamacare’s opponents insisted that it would implode in a “death spiralz” of low enrollment and rising costs.

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Soccer stadium deserves community support

It is amazing that a city who has been trying for years to build unity among our many sub-populations, to grow the tax base, and to draw residents back to the city limits isn’t willing to support this model franchise’s proposal for a new stadium.

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VIEWPOINT: Mike Pence, governor of INtolerance

Not only did Pence double down on his support for RFRA, but when given multiple opportunities by the ABC News moderator to state the obvious, he refused to say the simple words that, “In Indiana, it is wrong to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.”

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