
HUBER: Indy region needs Regional Cities lift

There’s no “manifest destiny” for Indianapolis. We aren’t sharing in the national migration of talent to metropolitan America. We lag most other large regions in population growth, including peers like Nashville, Denver and Columbus.

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KENNEDY: Now comes the hard part–governing

How will mayor-elect Joe Hogsett and the new City-County Council provide even the most basic public services, from public safety to paving streets to picking up trash, in the face of steady erosion of the resources needed to deliver those services?

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Teaching is a tough gig

Who can pay off college loans on starting salaries of $35,000 with no assurance of ever getting a raise in base pay and little or no financial compensation for achieving advanced degrees?

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HUDNUT: Words on leadership from a four-term mayor

I heard many times: “Bill, if you put that tax on, you will never be elected to anything again.” We had to stick to our guns, or give up. Part of leadership is knowing when to stand on principle and when to be flexible.

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EDITORIAL: South-side project good for region

The patience of Greenwood officials to find the best use for the high-profile intersection at Interstate 65 and County Line Road shows an economic-development mind-set that’s bringing renewed prosperity to the county.

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