
BOHANON & STYRING: Worries about looming deflation are overblown

Near-zero interest rates were supposed to pep up the economy. Six years and 10 months later, economic growth has been positive, but anemic. The unemployment rate has fallen to 5.1 percent, but labor force participation rates are at record lows and full-time jobs are hard to find.

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FRIEDMAN: Regional Cities, regional cage matches

The Regional Cities legislation was a lousy idea designed to divert Hoosiers from the notion that their state government should support all regions of our state. Instead, we are pitting one region against another, fighting for scraps from the state’s table.

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Rusthoven: Obama’s troubling watershed moment

The president will prevail on his Iran deal. But it is the foreign policy counterpart of the Affordable Care Act—a policy change of historic significance, pushed by President Obama in the face of major public opposition.

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EDITORIAL: Big-box tax appeals take heavy toll

As national retail giants seek to dramatically shrink the local property taxes they pay, they put at risk the budgets of schools, libraries and other local units of government that already struggle to make ends meet.

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Media lack evidence that LGBT measures bring jobs

IBJ’s front-page article flies directly in the face of these business arguments. As quoted, the city of Indianapolis, which already has anti-discrimination protections for LGBT, has seen reductions in both high-tech jobs and highly educated workers. 

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Ends and means—BlueIndy edition

In my classes, one of the things I emphasize to my students is the importance of process. The way in which you achieve a goal is often just as important—sometimes even more important—than the goal itself. This is, of course, a core precept of the rule of law. There are plenty of examples: efforts to […]

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EDITORIAL: Let BlueIndy prove itself

That won’t be a panacea. Users must have a driver’s license and a credit card—two things often absent in low-income homes—to access the program. But BlueIndy creates one more option in a city with too few.

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