
Media lack evidence that LGBT measures bring jobs

IBJ’s front-page article flies directly in the face of these business arguments. As quoted, the city of Indianapolis, which already has anti-discrimination protections for LGBT, has seen reductions in both high-tech jobs and highly educated workers. 

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Ends and means—BlueIndy edition

In my classes, one of the things I emphasize to my students is the importance of process. The way in which you achieve a goal is often just as important—sometimes even more important—than the goal itself. This is, of course, a core precept of the rule of law. There are plenty of examples: efforts to […]

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EDITORIAL: Let BlueIndy prove itself

That won’t be a panacea. Users must have a driver’s license and a credit card—two things often absent in low-income homes—to access the program. But BlueIndy creates one more option in a city with too few.

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SKARBECK: ‘Conservative’ strategies can lead investors astray

What does it mean to be a conservative investor? Most of us would describe ourselves as conservative, which usually means we don’t want to take risks that will lose money. Yet in certain circumstances, investors might believe they are taking a conservative approach, only to discover they were exposed to unforeseen risks. Investors in oil […]

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ae preview cover 201502016

2015-2016 A&E Season Preview

A seasoned arts-goer? Someone returning after a hiatus? An adventurer looking to try something new? Here are more than 125 events that could get you excited about the season.

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KIM: Long-term investors let volatility be their friend

We’re biologically wired to avoid losses at any cost, and the bad memories of 2008 are still fresh. So it is perfectly understandable that investors are having a visceral reaction and feeling a great deal of anxiety. By the same token, we believe investors must overcome these biases in order to succeed.

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DINING: Pub migrates from Kilkenny to Carmel

I haven’t been to Ireland. So I can’t say for sure whether Carmel’s newly opened Langton’s Irish Pub, which bills itself as an “authentic Irish pub” should feature video screens visible from nearly every seat.

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