
Kennedy borrows from ’60s radical

Sheila Kennedy’s [July 27 column] “Who’s the bigot”? quotes Sean Hannity as saying, “The three most persecuted groups in America today are Christians, the wealthy, and white males,”

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EDITORIAL: May Anthem’s tribe increase

Headquarters house a company’s best and brightest, including executives with authority to make final decisions. The corner office is more likely than an outpost to back a risky or expensive project to improve a city.

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WHITE: An important gate is still locked

The Indianapolis Museum of Art recently locked its beautiful and symbolic pedestrian/cycling gate at 42nd Street and Michigan Road in April to better secure the campus and sell more memberships. Unfortunately, the locked gate prohibits cyclists and pedestrians from entering the campus safely across 42nd Street.

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KENNEDY: Playing ‘Who’s the Bigot?’

Opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act claimed that their religious beliefs required separation of the races, and that those beliefs should trump the rights of black citizens who wanted to shop in their stores or eat in their restaurants.

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What does ranking say about Hoosiers?

I don’t want to live in a state where creative and forward-thinking innovators don’t pursue entrepreneurship because of the challenges and the fear of not finding mentors, partners or colleagues to help them survive and flourish.

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