
Lawmakers earn citizens’ contempt

I found much to agree with in Sheila Suess Kennedy’s Nov. 15 column “A culture of contempt.” Voter turnout, particularly in midterm elections, is embarrassingly low, partisan rhetoric supersedes intelligent discussion of the issues impacting voters and there is a dearth of truly engaging candidates.

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Hicks: Economist’s ‘truthiness’ unmasks Obamacare

Jonathan Gruber’s micro-simulation economic model is highly sought after because it replicates the version used by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office. Thus, it can be used to outwit that organization’s candid assessment of the effects of a policy proposal.

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Hicks: Gimmicks won’t solve middle-class dilemma

If excessive government spending and artificially inflated wages offered actual help for America’s dwindling middle class, then east-central Indiana would’ve seen unbridled prosperity over the past half century instead of decline.

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IPS needs more than shrunken boundaries

Dana Hubbard’s [Nov. 3] Viewpoint “Shrink Indianapolis Public Schools to Save It” regarding Unigov and the development of our city’s public school system overlooked the historic formation of the Metropolitan Assembly of School Boards in 1966.

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Hathaway should see the rest of Indiana

As an entire state, women earn only 74 cents for every dollar in male earnings. There is little to no day care or preschool. Fewer than 25 percent of women have completed a bachelor’s degree.

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