
SCHMIDT: Elevate expectations for downtown

It’s easy to pat ourselves on the back about the vibrant downtown areas of Mass Ave, Fountain Square, Monument Circle, White River State Park. We’ve come a long way, and people love to spend time in these places.

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Kim: Could Hoosier innovation boost nation’s saving rate?

How can saving possibly compete against the excitement of spending or the chance to win a lottery jackpot? Maybe with a Prize-Linked Savings (PLS) account, a product pioneered in the U.S. by Columbus, Ind.-based Centra Credit Union with its 2007 Super Savings program.

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Hicks: We might be headed for another financial crisis

Today’s financial markets offer few good choices for retirement investments, and that is both a symptom and cause of a problem. Stock markets in the United States are hovering at near-record levels. But there is real reason to worry.

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Dragoo: No excuse for tech homogeneity

While Silicon Valley might be known for a rapid pace of innovation at breakneck speeds, it certainly hasn’t kept up with the times when it comes to diversifying its work force.

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