
KENNEDY: A culture of contempt

There are plenty of theories about America’s embarrassingly low turnout rates. My own favorite explanation is a bit of snark from a source I can no longer recall: “If God had intended us to vote, He’d have given us candidates.”

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EDITORIAL: Finishing touches for Ballard legacy

Mayor Greg Ballard may have begun his tenure as Indy’s top elected official with the label “accidental mayor.” But Ballard’s legacy will go well beyond the circumstances of his upset victory in 2007.

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Voters need information

I voted Tuesday. But does my vote count? Or rather, should it? I did not help make our government better by voting. I doubt that 90-plus percent of others did, either.

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HATHAWAY: Indiana is the state for women

A recent study concluded that Indiana is the eighth-worst state for women. Using their metrics for what makes a state good for my gender, the study was accurate. We have plenty of work to do to make Indiana better for women, but I believe there are more metrics for success and those were summarily ignored by this study.

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So much for compromise

Leave it to the Senate’s lone Socialist, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, to offer the most supercilious analysis of Nov. 4’s decisive Republican sweep. Americans, says Sanders, just voted for something “very different from what they want and need.” ’Atta boy, Bernie. Gotta love it when leftists react to a drubbing by reverting to “vanguard of the […]

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Kim: Active stock managers face stiff headwinds in 2014

While the Dow Jones industrial average and Standard & Poor’s 500 index reached record highs on the last day of October, most active stock managers have struggled in 2014. One of the primary difficulties has been the wide divergence in performance between the largest-capitalization and smaller-capitalization stocks.

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Hicks: Pence was right to reject federal pre-K funding

Given my strong support for early childhood education programs, you might suppose I think Gov. Pence mistaken in his decision to forgo some $85 million in federal support for early childhood education. I do not. Accepting this money would have been easy, popular and wrong.

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Hicks should stick to economic analysis

Mike Hicks’ [Oct. 27] column, despite the label of “economic analysis,” contained no discernible economic analysis and displayed a total failure in understanding real risk.

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