
HICKS: Focus on shrinking the federal government

Small-government sentiment runs strong in Indiana, and we can be pleased with the resulting low taxes, thoughtful regulatory environment and greater personal freedom. Still, I think much of the small-government movement in Indiana targets the wrong problems.

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Kennedy criticized wrong interest group

Sheila Kennedy again shows her liberal bias in her [Sept. 8] commentary on civics. She complains about the lack of knowledge of “we the people” about our government and our electoral processes, but decides to tie it to political contributions.

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Think long term for Asherwood’s future

IBJ’s [Sept. 8] report on the for-sale listing of the Simon family’s 106-acre estate, Asherwood, in Carmel presents a great opportunity for a new owner to reforest the 18-hole golf course.

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RUSTHOVEN: No dispute about civil illiteracy

My friend and Taking Issues counterpart Sheila Kennedy and I disagree on many things. But Kennedy, who heads Indiana University’s Center for Civic Literacy, is dead right about the woeful ignorance among Americans about our history and governmental system.

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Sticking it to commuters

I found [Sheila Kennedy’s Aug. 11 column] to be incredibly compelling. For years, I worked in Louisville, Ky., while living in Indiana, and for each of those years I was required to pay into a sinking fund (often referred to by commuters as a stinking fund).

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Illegal means illegal

Having completed Mickey Maurer’s [Aug. 18] column, I have just one simple question for him: When did Webster’s change the definition of illegal?

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Pence should stand tall

Mickey Maurer’s [Aug. 18] comments on the children from Central America who are being made into a political football by people who lack compassion are spot on.

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