
Skarbeck: Risk measure stokes debate over merits of index funds

While the goal of many investors is to “beat the market,” it is a well-known fact that most investors (including professionals), underperform the market over the long run. Hence, the argument to buy index funds. Investors who invest in index funds accept the aggregate ups and downs (volatility) of the broad stock market.

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Pence owed apology

In response to Gov. Mike Pence’s [Aug. 25] letter “Maurer distorted Pence position,” I agree with the governor on Mickey Maurer’s poor choice of words.

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HENDERSON: No, you can’t hide anymore

Customer retention and new sales can be trendy. If you’re Comcast/Xfinity, as an example, you’re reeling from the insane firestorm of social media castigation as regards to how you’ve trained, monitored and improved the quality of your customer service representatives.

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KENNEDY: In the country of the blind

Two unrelated articles in the Aug. 31 New York Times brought me up short. The first was yet another analysis of (un)representative government in Ferguson, Mo.; the second addressed the growing power of Americans for Prosperity, the Koch brothers’ political organization.

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Hicks: Liberalism on campus is mostly irrelevant

That academia is a creature of the left is hardly in question. Voting patterns and political contributions of professors are widely studied, and astonishingly leftist. Diversity efforts seek to build a cadre of people who look different but think exactly alike. Still, I wonder how much it really matters.

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Pence should own up

Apparently Mickey Maurer hit a nerve in his Aug. 18 column regarding Pence’s position on children looking for a better life [Pence letter, Aug. 25].

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Daniels attacks bloat

Lucky are we that Mitch Daniels is helping Purdue return to the premier, student-centered university it once was.

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Study Indianapolis criminal justice center

The IBJ is correct [Aug. 18 editorial]. There are too many unanswered questions about the proposed half-billion-dollar criminal justice center and the little-tested public/private partnership (P3) contracting model under which a private consortium would design, build, finance, maintain and operate the facility in return for predetermined annual payments.

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DEBOY: Let’s fix our leaky water pipes

As challenging as developing and preserving water supplies for the next 50 years might be, as identified recently in a water resources study by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, another significant challenge looms just as large for most water utilities.

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RUSTHOVEN: A president dangerously in denial

The videotaped beheading of American journalist James Foley by ISIS terrorists is a gruesome reminder of the reality of evil—a reality our president and many Americans are reluctant to face.

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