
DINING: State Fair finds

Yes, some of it is deep fried. And it won’t be mistaken for health food. But this year’s new culinary offerings at the Fairgrounds showed surprising range.

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IMS should change to accommodate its fans

As a transplant to Indy, I don’t have the history with attending races at Indianapolis Motor Speedway [Aug. 4]. I have been to my fair share of races (and was even a Yellow Shirt volunteer for a couple years), but I am not a diehard attendee.

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JOSEPH: Small businesses must grow up

Many businesses that were started in the recession are growing up. And while those businesses are probably tougher and nimbler than their competition, they are still a lot younger than they look.

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KENNEDY: Indianapolis needs a commuter tax

No matter how nostalgically we think of Indiana as a patchwork of small, quaint towns and family farms, those days are gone. Indiana’s workforce and population are increasingly metropolitan, and our growth will continue to be in our urban centers.

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Pence, gay marriage and media bias

The notion that Pence put gay marriage in “legal limbo” is fanciful. The limbo is due to the legal situation, with one court striking down the law, gay couples getting married before the stay, and no one knowing how the case will come out.

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