
EDITORIAL: Hogsett could spark debate

Joe Hogsett’s July 14 announcement that he’ll step down as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Indiana at the end of the month renewed speculation that he will run for mayor of Indianapolis next year. And to that prospect we can only say, bring it on

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Hicks: Indiana good, but not optimal, for small firms

a recen studied of states’ friendliness to small businesses gave Indiana poor grades for ease in finding workers, leveling blame on networking and training programs. This is interesting, but almost certainly not the actual problem.

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Autistic children still denied benefits

Imagine your child had a chronic condition requiring on-going treatment, like diabetes, epilepsy or cystic fibrosis, and every six months you had to fight for weeks in order to continue medical treatment, even though your child’s entire clinical team and physicians agree that treatment is medically necessary.

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RUSTHOVEN: Things you don’t know about Hobby Lobby

From reaction on the left to the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, you’d think it ruled that corporations have First Amendment “free exercise of religion” rights, allowing them to refuse contraceptive coverage for women employees despite the Affordable Care Act’s statutory command. You’d be wrong. Literally none of this is true.

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Moves to improve Americans’ income

Burn both the federal and state individual income tax codes and give each income-receiving American citizen a $50,000 standard deduction while keeping current dependent exemptions.

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WIBC slides further into ‘have it your way’ news

News is supposed to bring us facts even if they challenge our preconceptions. As two towering statesmen—Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Republican James R. Schlesinger—said, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts.

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