
Solidly conservative

I favor lower taxes, strong morality and work ethics, family values and an ability to defend my family—all hallmarks of extremists.

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PHILLIPS: Indiana is lab of life sciences innovation

Indiana is in the midst of a revolution and it’s not what you think. It’s not politics, open-wheel racing or even basketball. This revolution is about creating a sustainable health care model for personal wellness and economic growth.

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KENNEDY: Maybe it’s a systems failure

Next weekend is the Fourth of July. Along with the barbecues, parades and neighborhood get-togethers, we’ll hear speeches about Truth, Justice and the American Way. We might raise a toast to the Founders, and count ourselves fortunate to live in a (mostly still) democratic country.

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DINING: Marsh markets lunchtime meals

No fine dining establishments in central Indiana is likely to have as much of an impact on the dining habits of local residents and workers as the new downtown Marsh Cafe.

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Voters should do their jobs

State Sen. Jim Smith claims in his [June 2] letter to the editor that Doug Masson missed most of the story regarding the legislation to repeal the 17th Amendment.

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Rusthoven disparages conservative trend

While I have the greatest respect and admiration for Peter Rusthoven’s public service under President Reagan, I take issue with his June 9 Taking Issue column. It almost sounded as if Rusthoven leans Democrat!

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Anthem works with autism

The tone of the [June 16] story “Insurance changes put state’s autism industry on edge” implies that an adversarial relationship exists between the autism community and insurers, including Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. In fact, the opposite is true.

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Gregg’s priorities faulty

John Gregg [June 16 Forefront] says Republicans are being Chicken Little because they want to do something rational like stopping spending more than we have.

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Scales was pilloried

The [June 16] front page story about Councilor Christine Scales was very disappointing. It seems to me that what is missing at virtually all political levels are individuals who will in fact stand upon principles. Despite partisan bickering in the council, the city administration—Republican or Democrat—eventually seems to get what it wants.

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GUNDERMAN; MUTZ: We’re now worshipping numbers

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” It is difficult to think of an adage more universally endorsed in business, government, not-for-profits and throughout our culture. Every enterprise wants to demonstrate its success through measurable outcomes—whether reduced wait times in the Veterans Administration health system, increased student test scores in the Atlanta public school system, or profits in a business.

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EDITORIAL: Legislate some common sense on cold beer

Twenty minutes for a can. Forty minutes for a bottle. That’s how long a semi-scientific study by the website Gizmodo determined it takes to turn a warm beer into a cold one—by using a freezer or putting the beer on ice.

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