
Hicks: Subsidizing filmmaking is a losing proposition

Without even touching upon the fairness of Indiana taxpayers subsidizing Hollywood studios, film tax credits are of dubious value. The jobs they generate are transient, often low-paying and unlikely to meet the simplest benefit-cost calculus.

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MADDOX: Bells toll for Indiana primary elections

It’s time to get rid of primary elections in Indiana. Just because we’ve been using them for every race from dog catcher up to president is not good enough to keep incurring these unnecessary costs while disengaging our voters.

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Replace Delph with Ford

As a resident new to Indiana, I have been troubled by news reports pertaining to state Sen. Mike Delph. His Twitter rants and public statements to media were published repeatedly, but there was nothing newsworthy about them.

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More women needed in IBJ news sections

Most weeks, I flip through IBJ and ponder why I see so few female faces pictured in the news sections. There are plenty of female faces in the People section. Surely some of them have something newsworthy to say?

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Stay open to other views

Bruce Hetrick’s [May 26 Viewpoint] on living and learning in silos not only is something that I completely agree with, but I found myself having the same exact conversation with clients and friends.

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EDITORIAL: Students need more advice

If you’re not certain whether a school counselor’s primary duty is to review college-application letters, work with troubled students, or proctor AP testing, you’re not alone.

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