
Kim: What is insider trading? It’s time for clear answer

Illegal insider trading generally refers to buying or selling a stock, in breach of a duty of trust and confidence, while in possession of “material, non-public information” about the stock. This also can apply if the person possessing the information (the “tipper”) passes along the information to a “tippee,” who then trades the stock. Steve […]

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Hicks: Technology might be suppressing robust growth

Quarter after quarter of booming growth, seen for several decades, might have slowed permanently. The 2000s saw only five rapid-growth quarters, and this decade has had two. It might mean that higher average growth rates are more difficult to achieve due to structural changes in the economy related to technology.

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Repeal 17th Amendment to restore balance

This year, I authored legislation that would have rescinded Indiana’s approval of the 17th Amendment. The 17th Amendment, adopted in 1913, requires U.S. senators to be elected by popular vote rather than by state legislatures. Doug Masson [May 19 Forefront] argued that this would be a bad idea, but he missed most of the story.

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MUTZ: Growth is answer to GOP agenda

It’s time for Republicans to stop playing defense on President Obama’s agenda and implement our own pro-growth agenda that solves the country’s biggest problems—the economy and jobs—then reap the political rewards.

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Skarbeck: Trillions raised, invested by private equity players

An estimated 2,700 private equity firms manage some $3.5 trillion in assets. Often called “buyout firms,” they solicit investments from pension funds and other well-heeled investors that are pooled into “funds” and used to acquire public and private companies.

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