
KENNEDY: The tax-cutters are too clever by half

Tax cuts have consequences as predictable as the sunrise. The politicians who cut taxes boast about their concern for taxpayers and their superior efficiency; they assure us that our low taxes will lure new business, then they run for higher office or otherwise head for greener pastures where the accuracy of those claims is unlikely to be tested. The politicians who have been left to operate with less money engage in equally predictable behaviors.

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EDITORIAL: Justice center move can benefit downtown

Most of the conversation surrounding the city’s proposed criminal justice center has focused on what the heart of downtown stands to lose when the courts and jails move out Rarely discussed is what downtown can gain from the new center, which is now officially slated for about a third of the 110-acre GM Stamping Plant site just west of White River.

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Growth follows safety

Greg Andrews’ [April 14] column “Kokomo, like Indy, trying to sway suburbanites to move in” mentions mayors of Kokomo and Indianapolis wanting to convince north side suburbanites to move to their respective cities to increase their tax bases. Both mayors stressed the need to make their communities more desirable as places to live, not just work.

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RUSTHOVEN: High court opted for common sense

In Plessy vs. Ferguson, decided in 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court held it constitutional for states to discriminate on the basis of race, pronouncing the now-discredited notion that “separate but equal” comported with the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of “equal protection of the laws.”

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Hicks: Obama pitches gender pay gap to the gullible

If we separate people into two groups by age, education, gender, race, occupation or almost any other factor, their average wages differ in some way. But this sort of comparison doesn’t tell us much. If we use statistical methods that account for multiple characteristics, wage differences for most factors disappear.

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TALLIAN: Indiana’s laws are draconian and counterproductive

The young woman called my law office, tearfully pouring out her story. As an 18-year-old at a graduation party, she had been arrested and charged with possession of a small amount of marijuana. She was booked and made bond, pleaded guilty, went through substance abuse evaluation, did community service, paid a fine, and went through probation for a year.

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BROOKS: Law, order, confidence in safety precede prosperity

If you’re reading this, you are probably not buffeted by daily waves of physical terror. You may fear job loss or emotional loss, but you probably don’t fear that somebody is going to slash your throat or that a gang will invade your house come dinnertime, carrying away your kin and property. We take a basic level of order for granted.

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