
LOPRESTI: Milan miracle at 60

Plump Milan anniversary watch videoTwo Indiana hoops legends recreate March magic exactly 60 years after the game that inspired "Hoosiers." Watch 77-year-old Bobby Plump sink that final shot—twice.

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MURTLOW: Business rallied for kids at Statehouse

Education. Work-force development. Quality child care. The war on poverty. Crime. Economics. These are all familiar words and phrases used readily by policymakers, business leaders and child advocates. But rarely have the concepts been more tightly intertwined into good state policy than they were during this session of the General Assembly.

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MORRIS: Jim Irsay deserves our support

I don’t know Jim Irsay personally, but I feel like I know him. I’d like to know him better. I’ve been thinking a lot about Jim and his situation the last few days. I keep wondering if there’s something I can do to help, and for now this column is my best effort in that regard.

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EDITORIAL: Legislative session created foothold for transit

Years of foot-dragging by Indiana legislators has put the Indianapolis region way behind its peers in developing an effective mass transit system. And the transit funding bill that lawmakers finally approved this year contains some maddening conditions. But make no mistake, passage of the bill is a major milestone in a long, difficult fight.

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Skarbeck: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac roil big investment firms

In 2012, Fannie and Freddie started making money as the housing market rebounded and losses in their mortgage portfolios reversed. By the end of this month, the firms will have returned $203 billion to taxpayers. In the meantime, several hedge funds began acquiring both the preferred shares and common stocks of Fannie and Freddie.

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Hicks: Inflation could precede real economic recovery

The new Keynesian model suggests that a government stimulus might work to temporarily boost consumption or investment just like the old Keynesian model does. But the new model requires businesses and households to adjust their buying because of fears of expected inflation.

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Kim: Investors must play to win to reach long-term goals

Whether an athletic contest or the “game” of investing, many factors determining whether we win or lose are beyond our control. However, we can control how we approach the game and respond as events unfold, which can be just as important.

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Think twice before deregulating utilities

For decades, our state has enjoyed low, stable electricity prices due in large measure to using Indiana’s abundant natural resource—coal. However, federal environmental mandates have eroded that advantage as our electric utilities have had to make expensive investments to comply with stricter rules.

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GUY: Don’t run education like a business

Disagreements about education reform result from conflicting models: the business model and the social model. Governors such as Daniels and Pence, reflecting their backgrounds and support structures, tend toward the business model. Superintendent Ritz, with almost 35 years as a teacher/communications coordinator in elementary schools, is more aligned with the social model.

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RUSTHOVEN: Donnelly wisely bucks his president

On March 5, Joe Donnelly joined six other Senate Democrats and all Republicans, including Dan Coats, in rejecting President Obama’s nomination of Debo Adegbile to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Hoosier senators did the right thing.

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