
A bipartisan solution for work force woes

Hoosiers may be surprised to learn that in 2012, the 112th Congress agreed on at least one thing: the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012—which included provisions to expand work-sharing policies.

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Hooray for pragmatism

If gay marriage were allowed in Indiana [Feb. 17 Maurer column], there would be no increase in gay porn at AMC Theaters, no mandatory attendance at gay weddings, no straight people suddenly turning gay, no visible signs anywhere of any change—because there already are gay couples.

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Kim: Buffett’s farmland buy illustrates valued lessons

Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders in Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report always contains timeless advice, useful in good times and bad. He told of two non-stock investments he made decades ago. Though relatively small and insignificant to his net worth, they illustrate important concepts.

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FEIGENBAUM: Big week ahead for unfinished Pence agenda

March 3 and 4, respectively, mark the final days for third reading of Senate bills in the House, and third reading of House bills in the Senate. Those deadlines are a significant milestone, because we’re now finished with hearings by standing committees.

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DINING: Pick-your-topping pizzeria blazes into Indy 

From the front door of Blaze Pizza (913 Indiana Ave., 624-1500), you can see five other pie chains. So what makes this Pasadena, Calif.-based newcomer—which intends to expand to multiple locations in central Indiana—worth mentioning? Blaze caught my attention because it’s the first local representation of a West Coast-fueled trend for fast-fired pizza. Get in […]

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Bill would upset alcohol distribution

On behalf of Anheuser-Busch, I would like to thank IBJ for its continued coverage of Senate Bill 415. This important issue has been the subject of two articles as well as a hearing conducted in the Senate Public Policy Committee on Jan. 29.

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