
Hicks: Choke Russian ambitions with a Fed strategy

The Soviet, er … Russian, invasion of Ukraine offers a nice reminder of JFK’s old dictum that domestic policy can defeat us, but foreign policy can get us killed. As we pay higher gasoline prices, we ought to think about the world as it is and our options.

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Rotten foundation

Mike Hicks [Feb 3] identifies the decisions made by individuals that almost guarantee poverty—quitting high school, using drugs and having children out of wedlock.

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Downtown justice complex would spur city’s center

The stated preferred location for the new criminal justice center, 6600 Kentucky Ave., is attractive on a first-cost basis because it is bare farm ground. However, looking at the benefits of this project long-term, this site would be a mistake.

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KENNEDY: We’re getting what we deserve

Anyone who has ever written a book, mounted a PR campaign or started a new business has confronted a threshold question: Who’s your audience? Who will read your book, be persuaded by your campaign, or buy your widget?

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A bipartisan solution for work force woes

Hoosiers may be surprised to learn that in 2012, the 112th Congress agreed on at least one thing: the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012—which included provisions to expand work-sharing policies.

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Hooray for pragmatism

If gay marriage were allowed in Indiana [Feb. 17 Maurer column], there would be no increase in gay porn at AMC Theaters, no mandatory attendance at gay weddings, no straight people suddenly turning gay, no visible signs anywhere of any change—because there already are gay couples.

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