
There’s more to the rural vs. Indy story

Richard Sullivan [Feb. 3 Viewpoint] offers the perspective that Indiana’s rural areas “stick it” to Indy when folks in rural areas don’t support urban issues. He links this long-running, alleged battle to the lack of rural support for the anti-gay amendment in the news today.

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ZOELLER: The rule of law is underappreciated

The Pirate Code made famous in the series of “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies established rules to avoid the heightened opportunity for chaos among 18th century pirates. In some respects, all laws are established by societies to bring certainty in an uncertain world.

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RUSTHOVEN: Obama’s shifting sands of definitions

When this column first talked about Obamacare, a reader called the term disrespectful. The president disagreed—well, he did in 2012—saying he was "fond of this term" and "actually like[s] the name, because I do care—that's why we fought so hard to make it happen."

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BLOW: Conservatives losing on ‘pantywaist’ rhetoric

If one of the overt Democratic lines of attack against Republicans is that Republicans are conducting a war on women, one of the low-simmering, implicit lines of attack from Republicans is that Democrats are conducting a war on men, or at least traditional views of masculinity.

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FROEHLE: Students aren’t being told the full cost of college

Whether in the State of the Union address, recent commentaries about college tuition outpacing financial aid, or news about Purdue University’s possibly extending its tuition freeze, one thing is certain. The status quo is not acceptable when it comes to cost and access to a college education.

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WAGNER: The long and winding road to recruit candidates

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a conservative special-interest group. It opened with four paragraphs about a Statehouse issue along with a list of House members the group wanted its supporters to call and email. But that’s not what caught my eye.

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DANIELS: With jobs, it’s mobility, not just ‘equality,’ that matters

There is a lot of talk these days about income inequality—the growing gap between the incomes of the rich and poor. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, acknowledged in a recent speech to our Economic Club that the ”recovery” is working only for the rich: The poor are seeing no benefit from it, and income inequality is growing.

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KRULL: Marriage message boxes Pence into contradiction

So much for being governor of all the people of Indiana. Earlier this month, not long after the House of Representatives voted to strip the controversial second sentence out of House Joint Resolution 3—the proposed state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage—Gov. Mike Pence told WISH-TV Channel 8 that he supported the HJR 3 in its original form.

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BECK: Get to know those the amendment would affect

Since the General Assembly convened in January, it seems that nearly everyone I’ve talked to has an opinion on House Joint Resolution 3, the divisive constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between a woman and a man.

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ROGERS: Pence’s plan should be extended universally

I commend the governor for recognizing the state’s long overdue need to expand access to quality early-childhood education. In my years as a teacher, I found the difference between students arriving with a preschool education and those without to be profound.

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