
Hicks: Consumption inequality is the real issue

No economic facts are likely to steer the policy debate away from income inequality. This is mostly because today’s discussion is simply a convenient way to change the subject from other policy failures.

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DINING: Spicing up City Market

Spice Box Indy, one of the city’s better food trucks, sets up shop at City Market. Third in a month-long series of theme-less restaurant reviews.

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EDITORIAL: Marriage debate wastes our time

Among the many good arguments for not putting Indiana through an expensive and embarrassing battle over same-sex marriage, one gets little attention: amending the Constitution to prohibit it won’t matter in the long run.

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SOWELL: Facts challenge our beliefs about race

Depressing news about black students’ scoring far below white students on various mental tests has become so familiar that people in different parts of the ideological spectrum long ago developed their different explanations for why this is so. But both may have to do some rethinking, in light of radically different news from England.

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FRIEDMAN: Another machine age is upending society

My favorite story in Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee’s fascinating new book, “The Second Machine Age,” is when the Dutch chess grandmaster Jan Hein Donner was asked how he’d prepare for a chess match against a computer, like IBM’s Deep Blue. Donner replied: “I would bring a hammer.”

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TAFT: Just whose downtown is it, anyway?

Downtown Indianapolis was recently ranked No. 1 for livability among smaller cities by—gratifying praise after $9.3 billion of reinvestment. Recent debates and plans, however, have raised a fundamental question: Whose downtown is this?

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BOEHM: Solid reasons to build justice center now

Mayor Ballard proposes to create a judicial center that would bring the dispersed offices of the criminal courts, prosecutor, public defender and perhaps other agencies together with the county jail in one facility at a location to be determined, and free up the jail site for development.

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