
Argument was selective

Sheila Suess Kennedy should not have endorsed the Christian Theological Seminary president’s position [Jan. 27] even though his conclusion is the one she prefers.

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MADDOX: Wolves are still at Gramma’s door

In the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” Jordan Belfort, disgraced broker and owner of the now-defunct brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont, is portrayed by Oscar-nominated actor Leonardo DiCaprio as over-the-top good looking, witty and motivational. Belfort, if we are to believe what we see in the film, is a phenomenal salesman—a self-made man committed to making lots of money for himself and his friends.

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KENNEDY: Thinking outside the bank

Let me begin with a caveat: I’m no expert on financial services or the economics of banking. Like most middle-class Americans, my interactions with banking are all decidedly “retail”—checking and savings accounts, mortgages and car loans.

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Hicks: Sustainable middle class now built on work

America’s middle class was first built upon an unsustainable combination of low-productivity, high-wage jobs in large factories. The second half of the 20th century saw a different middle class emerge, with workers across many industries applying high-value-added human capital to the production of goods and increasingly services.

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Much of ambitious legislative agenda remains alive

Despite concerns that debating a constitutional amendment defining marriage would rip our state apart, that didn’t happen and the General Assembly has proven quite productive—as well as judicious in deciding what issues not to become entangled in during the “short” session.

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EDITORIAL: Commuter tax needs fences

Indy Chamber might incite a little road rage by proposing a commuter tax that would allow Indianapolis to collect revenue from those who work in the city but live outside county lines.

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Lawmakers begin to shift focus beyond HJR 3

Following the initial rounds of jockeying surrounding HJR 3, the definition of marriage constitutional amendment, lawmakers can redirect their attention to other matters of substance for a few weeks. This week marks the initial third reading deadline, the final stage for passage of legislation in its chamber of origin, and many important pieces of legislation […]

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Editorial was uninformed

What an ignorant editorial [Jan. 27] regarding alcohol. If only editorial writers had to know their subject before committing their thoughts to paper.

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Biglari like Obama

Just completed Greg Andrews’ [Jan. 27] column. Perhaps Sardar Biglari should consider a presidential run in 2016.

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SULLIVAN: Rural areas stick it to Indy again

Many years ago, a legislator told me it was “country bankers” who killed Indiana banking. They and their lawmakers carried the day in the 1970s and 1980s with regulations against buying banks across county lines. The big Indianapolis banks were thus held in check.

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RUSTHOVEN: The House made the right decision

In January, this conservative testified to the Legislature on behalf of Freedom Indiana against the then-version of the proposed Indiana constitutional amendment on gay marriage. Here’s why.

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