
Hicks: Health reform among forces stifling economy

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be traveling to many of Indiana’s cities to explain my 2014 economic forecast. I will tell audiences that the national economy will perform poorly, and that we will not return to pre-recession employment numbers this year.

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Rusthoven can’t pick his own facts

When I saw that my old friend and former law partner, Peter Rusthoven, was taking on my views about the Affordable Care Act, I was concerned [Nov. 25]. I was afraid that out of friendship Peter would hold back his attack on my opinions. He didn’t do that. Instead, he held back on the facts. […]

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Words can skew policy

When I wrote for IBJ last year, the word causing me the most difficulty was “progressives,” which I used in order to ask, “Where are all the progressives?” meaning persons willing to advocate street repair and other basic investments to improve our lives.

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The pope and capitalism

American Catholics, including this convert, see much to admire in our new pope. But Catholic conservatives find it frustrating when church pronouncements on political and economic issues embrace leftist rhetoric and ignore reality.

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MCCORMICK: Indiana should refocus on Europe

Most Hoosiers probably didn’t know too much about the European Union until the crisis that broke in the euro zone in 2009. The worries sparked by that crisis were a double-edged sword: They made more of us aware of the EU, but the news we heard was mainly bad.

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KENNEDY: So many reasons to be thankful

Thanksgiving is my family’s favorite holiday, not just because it is the one time of the year when all the far-flung relatives assemble, but also because it is an opportunity to consider how incredibly fortunate we are.

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Shale gas will support inexpensive electricity

As stated in the “Natural gas dilemma” article [Nov. 18], there is increased demand for natural gas in the electric energy market in Indiana and across the country. However, I take exception to the theme that this increased demand will drive volatility in the market and harm Hoosier electric and gas customers.

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