
Kennedy not missed

Regarding Sheila Suess Kennedy [Aug. 26] leaving the Republican Party, Roy Clark once sang a line that fit her: “Thank God and Greyhound she’s gone.”

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KENNEDY: Revenue enhancement, anyone?

Public finance these days reminds me of those fellows we used to encounter at the county fairs—the ones who twisted balloons into fantastic shapes, making horses or dogs from oblong balloons they blew up. Push the balloon here and watch a shape emerge there, and wonder if it would pop.

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Skarbeck: Views abound on how to structure portfolios

There are many approaches and differing opinions on the best way to manage your portfolio. The conclusion comes down to which style or philosophy leaves you feeling the most comfortable while you fully understand the cost, risks and potential performance of that strategy.

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Hicks: Incomes won’t rise until communities improve

Indiana has many fine communities with good schools and great local amenities. High-earning households are eager to live in these communities, and businesses flock there to obtain access to those workers and consumers. Indiana also has many poor communities with weak schools and few amenities. Households and businesses flee such places.

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Democrats wrong party for adult leadership

If Sheila Kennedy [Aug. 26] has left the Republican Party and become a Democrat in hopes of finding a party of grown-ups, she can’t be thinking of the same Democrats who seem to follow the rules of Saul Alinsky, who advises in “Rules for Radicals” to make the other party the worst kind of evil while Democrats need not stick to the truth to accomplish the end.

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