
Leaders badly needed

I wholeheartedly agree with P.E. MacAllister’s Aug. 5 Forefront column “Bring back the CCC for troubled youth.” Dope, gangs, crime. A disappointing educational system. Our staggering economic base supplanted with food stamps and unemployment compensation. Declining church influences. Sagging morality. He mentions it all.

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Tourism cuts add up

Anthony Schoettle’s [July 29] article “Indiana tourism spending is fraction of nearby states’” shed light on an issue those of us in the tourism industry have been concerned with since the budget decreases began a few years ago.

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FERIBACH: Disabled-friendly city advances again

The City-County Council recently approved a proposal to create more entrepreneurship opportunities for people with disabilities. Led by President Maggie Lewis and Vice President John Barth, the council unanimously agreed to include the disability enterprise category to the city’s contracting program. Within days, Mayor Greg Ballard signed it into law.

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RUSTHOVEN: Taking issue with Kennedy

I don’t comment on columns by my liberal “Taking Issue” counterpart Sheila Kennedy. This week is an exception, prompted by reader requests to respond to her Aug. 12 “Detroit reflects our moral bankruptcy” column for impugning the motives of those who don’t share her views.

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EDITORIAL: Root out rogue attorneys

They’ve been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Yet next to the names Paul J. Page and David Wyser in the Indiana Roll of Attorneys appear the words: “Active in good standing.”

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Hicks: Education debate shouldn’t matter to students

Higher education is undergoing a metamorphosis. Cost-saving measures such as online learning and the ubiquity of technology might seem to make today’s undergraduate experience vastly different from their forbears’. That is a mirage. The most essential elements of an education are unchanged.

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HETRICK: Throwing the book at civic illiteracy

If assigned comparison-and-contrast lessons between Zinn’s history and other texts, students might enter college better able to question, discern, reason, shape opinions, defend those opinions and compromise.

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Cops before cricket

Cricket fields, a league, tournament play and the economic benefits they might bring to Marion County could have all been enjoyed without spending $6 million from the city’s budget [DeGaris column, July 29]. In fact, not one tax dollar needed to have been spent.

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