
Democrats wrong party for adult leadership

If Sheila Kennedy [Aug. 26] has left the Republican Party and become a Democrat in hopes of finding a party of grown-ups, she can’t be thinking of the same Democrats who seem to follow the rules of Saul Alinsky, who advises in “Rules for Radicals” to make the other party the worst kind of evil while Democrats need not stick to the truth to accomplish the end.

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GOP needs updating

I agree with Sheila Kennedy [Aug. 26] that the GOP of a generation ago that she and I worked for and supported has left.

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LEONARD: Hospitals embrace price transparency

Following the federal government’s release of data on hospital charges for Medicare patients, much has been written nationally about how health care providers determine prices, the variation in charges for the same procedure, and the willingness of hospitals to “come clean” on the issue of price transparency.

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RUSTHOVEN: Rappin’ away the Dream

Last week marked the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech. Few speeches merit recall a week later. King’s will be remembered as long as America lives.

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EDITORIAL: Find a long-term fix

Mayor Ballard’s support for the $6 million World Sports Park on the far-east side has become a rallying point for critics of his spending priorities. They say the money would be better spent chipping away at the city’s huge infrastructure needs. We think they’re missing the point on a couple of fronts.

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Kim: Steer clear of leveraged exchange-traded funds

If you are confident the S&P 500 will be 20 percent higher a year from now, you might think an exchange-traded fund (ETF) whose objective is to provide two times or even three times the return of the S&P 500 would be just the ticket to earn 40 percent (two times) or 60 percent (three times). You couldn’t be more wrong.

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Hicks: Blame labor’s collapse on its own successes

The decline of the American labor movement is startling. In only 50 years, membership has dropped 80 percent. No mainstream American institution of note has dissipated at this pace before. Today, more Americans receive disability payments than belong to private-sector unions.

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BRUNI: Will Republicans look for Bush 44?

Let Rand Paul have his epic filibuster and Ted Cruz his scowling threats to shut down the government. Let Chris Christie thunder to a second term as the governor of New Jersey, his hubris flowering as his ultimate designs on the White House take shape.

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GARRISON: The makers are getting tired of the takers

They will call it Northern Colorado if they can get the job done. Ten counties in the rich area north of Denver produce almost all the agriculture and most of the gas and oil that comes from the Mountain State. Its residents pay well over half the taxes but garner a fraction of the representation in the Democratic-controlled Legislature.

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TAFT: Redouble fight against urban poverty

Brookings Institute researchers recently published a book called “Confronting Suburban Poverty in America” that profiles how quickly poverty is migrating from many urban centers to their surrounding suburbs. Metro-area poverty has grown fastest in the suburbs over the past 30 years—experiencing a 64-percent increase versus 29-percent growth in urban centers.

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BOEHM: More to do to continue Indy’s ascent

Those of us who have seen the progress Indianapolis has made over the last several decades are justifiably proud of what has been accomplished. At the same time, most thoughtful observers agree on the need to address a range of problems—notably crime, fiscal pressures, education, transportation and neighborhood development.

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