
SHELLA: Bennett’s emotions got the best of him

It was a warm, sunny Monday in November when John McCain came to the Indianapolis airport seeking to pull out an Indiana win in the 2008 race for presidency. It was the day before Election Day. Confident Hoosier Republicans were thrilled about the first real campaign rally in this state by that year’s GOP nominee.

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LEIGHTY: Same-sex marriage ban hurts business

There has been significant discussion this summer about gay rights and marriage equality. Specifically in Indiana, House Joint Resolution 6, the amendment that would permanently alter Indiana’s Constitution to define marriage, has produced strong emotions on both sides.

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LANOSGA: In government, clarity trumps efficiency

Here’s something to ponder in the wake of the big stories that keep trickling out from the emails released by state Superintendent of Public Education Glenda Ritz: What if the emails in question had been from her own tenure in that office? Or, what if a reporter had asked Tony Bennett for the same emails while he was still in office (or asked for the emails from then-Gov. Mitch Daniels)?

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BOHANON: I wish I’d said that, but not in an email

When I read what then-Gov. Mitch Daniels said in an email to then-Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Bennett about Marxist historian Howard Zinn’s work, my immediate reaction was, “My thoughts exactly!” I take great exception to Zinn’s characterization of American history.

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BUCK: Educate Hoosiers about fundamentals of economics

The answer is as old as the Bible: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he gets old, he will not depart from it.” Likewise, we are all familiar with the idea that we will reap what we sow, and this is true in our educational system.

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Debt collectors brawling in court

Todd Wolfe, the 41-year-old founder of Deca Financial Services in Fishers, is at the center of a legal feud with Educational Credit Management Corp., an Oakdale, Minn., not-for-profit that insures $35 billion in federal student loans.

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Hicks: Antitrust suit rests on decades of tradition

The attempt by the Department of Justice to block the merger of American Airlines and U.S. Airways offers a glimpse into one of the great public policy innovations of the past couple of centuries: American anti-trust law.

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Ban Kennedy columns

Thank you for allowing Peter Rusthoven [Aug. 19] to respond to Sheila Kennedy’s outlandish column on the Detroit bankruptcy.

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Heated words don’t help

In response to Sheila Suess Kennedy’s op-ed “Detroit reflects our moral bankruptcy,” I can’t say I’m shocked by her predictable position supporting liberal policy to cure all ills.

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