
KRUGMAN: Sprawl strands those least able to travel

Detroit is a symbol of the old economy’s decline. The metropolitan area lost population between 2000 and 2010, the worst performance among major cities. Atlanta, by contrast, epitomizes the rise of the Sun Belt; it gained more than 1 million people.

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HOWEY: Good mayors are getting things done

These past few weeks, we’ve seen more sclerosis in Washington, this time with the farm bill. On a topic that begged for compromise, everyone dug in, and there was celebration in some quarters even as they were spitting ashes out of their mouths.

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VAUGHN: Stand your ground against tricky ALEC

With the controversial verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial, attention has returned to the stand-your-ground law that was so central to the defense’s case. Attention has also returned to a key group behind the adoption of stand-your-ground laws in Florida and two dozen other states, including Indiana.

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STYRING: Conservatives, retake the ‘liberal’ flag!

When Gov. Mike Pence was Indiana Policy Review Foundation president in the 1990s, editors of the foundation’s flagship publication, Indiana Policy Review, constantly harped at their writers to use precise English. The masthead even sported a Lord Acton quote: “When words lose their meaning, men lose their liberty.”

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MAHERN? Why so much secrecy at Develop Indy?

Shortly after his 2008 inauguration, Mayor Ballard approached the Indianapolis economic development folks with a plan for international strategy—meaning foreign trips for him, his wife, staff members and security.

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SHEPARD: Praise for local Zimmerman response

We hope society’s leaders will do well for us in times of turmoil. In the days following the verdict in the Florida trial of George Zimmerman, this state’s public figures responded to a difficult moment in ways that showed humanity and skill.

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BECK: Jobs, marriage amendment don’t mix

The morning the news broke that the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act, people across the country did a double-take. Was it possible that the members of the highest court in the land rendered one of the greatest wedge issues of our time obsolete?

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PILLIE: Another way on local government reform

One of my first stops after moving to Indiana back in 2000 was to the license branch so I could transfer my driver’s license. I was in for two surprises. I didn’t know I had to take a written test (I passed first try), and I was asked what township I lived in.

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DANIELS: Simplistic solutions won’t fix crime

Pundits and public officials are trying to make sense of the level of crime in Indianapolis, the relative safety of our community, and the apparent “new breed” of young toughs—and everyone has an opinion on what we ought to be doing to make the community safer.

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