
DRESSLAR: Extremists hindering Common Core

Controversy over education policy is normal for the General Assembly, but this session’s pointless rancor over Common Core State Standards has only hindered progress in teaching our children and building our communities.

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Kim: Twitter-fueled mayhem should worry investors

I’m old school when it comes to investing, so it baffles me that some professionals consider a tweet important to the investment decision-making process. But those 140 characters can do real damage when improperly used.

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Hicks: Root cause of suffering labor market elusive

At the beginning of the Great Recession, in December 2007, there were more than 26 full-time workers for each part-time employee looking for full-time work. By June 2009, that number had shrunk to less than 15 full-time workers for each part-timer. There it has remained.

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ISO editorial unfounded

I am surprised to find the IBJ [April 22 editorial] calling something bad business without having done any real research to find out if the action it scorns is really bad business.

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Partying like it’s 2013

Even after the Great Recession and throughout the stubborn economic recovery, it’s getting harder to recall when Indiana’s fiscal house was a shambles.

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