
MASSON: The irrationality of welfare drug testing

House Bill 1483, which required drug tests for recipients of public assistance, passed the House 78-17 and the Senate 38-12, but failed at the 11th hour in conference committee. However, given the level of support, it can be expected to return in future sessions.

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ODLE: Regulate bullets the way we do drugs

A study by the Violence Policy Center reveals shocking statistics about Indiana. More Hoosiers were killed by gun violence than traffic accidents in 2009—735 gun deaths versus 715 traffic deaths, according to the Washington, D.C.-based center.

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DANIELS: College grads must rise to the moment

We meet in a time of continued economic stagnation. Economic growth in 2012 was a depressing 1.5 percent, half the historic average. Three million fewer Americans are employed than when this so-called recovery began. Economic inequality is growing, and unprecedented trillions in transfer payments have not reversed the trend. It was well said that, "We need a recovery from this recovery."

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Foreign aid is important

In light of the sequestration, it is crucial that the government realizes the importance of foreign aid spending and its impact on the economy.

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BIRGE: Building a state of innovation

Are entrepreneurs born or made? As a corporate finance attorney who spends most of his waking hours with leaders of high-growth businesses, I’ve observed that entrepreneurs have certain shared traits: ambition, dynamism, curiosity and confidence.

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RUSTHOVEN: Praise for one of the good guys

This weekend finds me in D.C. cheering my Reagan White House boss, Fred Fielding, on receiving the National Republican Lawyers Association’s Ed Meese Award for upholding the rule of law in the face of political adversity. No one could be more deserving.

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Kim: Does the collapse of gold mark the end of an era?

Gold serves as a “fear index,” measuring investors’ level of fear and anxiety. Investors view gold as a store of wealth offering protection from inflation, credit defaults and economic Armageddon. Gold soared from $300 per ounce in September 2001 to $1,900 per ounce in September 2011. That’s no coincidence. September 2001 was marked by the […]

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