
Hicks: Fiscal prudence should be rewarded by tax cuts

Indiana enjoys what economists call a “structural surplus” in state tax revenue. This means the several-hundred-million-dollar surplus is a permanent affair when viewed against current expenditures. It would be astonishing if this did not lead to calls for a tax cut, and so it has.

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MORRIS: Under-the-radar group builds success

The Indiana chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth held its annual Corporate Value Awards dinner April 18. Three companies were recognized for their success: Mainstreet Property Group, Grammer Industries and the Braun Corp.

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EDITORIAL: Symphony edict is tone-deaf

Krzysztof Urbanski is undoubtedly touched by genius. The 30-year-old music director of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra conducts with a sensitivity to rhythm and expression that imbues works like Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring” with startling vitality and chest-thumping soul.

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Sidewalks before transit

I recently returned home to the Indianapolis area. Growing up in Carmel, the only bus I rode was the school bus. My travels with the military exposed me to mass transit: the subway in New York City, trains in Europe and the Middle East, and the bus and light rail system in Hampton Roads area of Virginia.

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Priorities upside down

The IBJ reported [April 8] that Center Township has “money to burn” with a surplus of $6.7 million. The article also noted that township spending on needy applicants has actually gone down during the recession.

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Misplaced focus

The [April 8] story about the Center Township trustee was absolutely incredible.

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Fleeced at the ‘hospital’

In the July 9, 2011, IBJ, I warned that employers and patients are paying a steep price for the shift of physician services to hospital outpatient departments. The [April 8] article about physical therapy services is a clear example of this.

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PHALEN: Schools for the technology age

The world has changed so much over the past century due to the rapid pace of invention and new knowledge. Systems and processes are constantly updated to serve our realities.

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LOU’S VIEWS: Doing it Ai Weiwei’s way

The eyes of the creative world are on Ai Weiwei. The Indianapolis Museum of Art offers a chance to put your eyes on his works. Plus, thoughts on the IBJ A&E “War Horse” road trip.

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