
FEIGENBAUM: GOP stranglehold hasn’t squelched debate

For a Legislature dominated by a Republican super-majority and with a Republican governor doing more now than just watching from the cheap seats, you should be surprised by the uncertainty over the shape—and even the fate—of several significant bills this late in the process.

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Mahern got it wrong

The [April 1] Forefront column by Louis Mahern discussed a zoning case in the Fletcher Place Neighborhood “called down” by City-County Councilor Jeff Miller. Mahern’s column incorrectly assumes that neighborhood opposition to the project relates to its affordable housing aspect.

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UPDIKE: A millennial view of transit

It has been a discouraging year in local politics. Several baby boomers have apologized to me for the state of affairs they are handing over to my generation, and each conversation has made clear the deep and fundamental issues Indiana’s next leaders will face.

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Hicks: Bourgeois dignity and the modern world

A most remarkable book, “Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can’t Explain the Modern World,”, says all the explanations of the explosion of economic growth that occurred about 300 years ago are inadequate.

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Ban canned hunting

The General Assembly is considering legislation that would allow businesses to continue to provide high-paying customers the ability to shoot white-tailed deer within fenced enclosures.

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Tax cut costs taxpayers?

How would IBJ allow John Zody [April 1 Forefront] to write, “The governor’s 10-percent income tax cut, which would cost taxpayers more than a half a billion dollars …”?

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Indiana leads in Medicaid change

A society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable. When it comes to health care, the best thing for every Hoosier, rich or poor, is more choices and more incentives for preventive care. In the debate over Medicaid expansion, our aim must be to protect the health of Hoosiers in need and maintain the fiscal health of our state. Expanding traditional Medicaid cannot accomplish both.

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