
SOUDER: Legislature reflects GOP dilemmas

Gov. Mike Pence doesn’t just want a tax cut for Hoosiers. A tax cut was foundational to his campaign and his philosophy of conservatism: Growth comes faster when individuals and corporations spend their own money, because it is more productive (leveraged better), more diversely spread (less likely to be bet on winners and losers), and more reflective of actual markets.

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SHELLA: Nonvoters are real Hoosier citizens, too

Do the politicians care what nonvoters think? House Speaker Brian Bosma recently took issue with the WISH-TV/Ball State Hoosier Survey because, he said, it wasn’t a voter poll. When challenged, he said that he cares what everybody thinks, but the message he delivered was that the opinions of voters matter more than those of adults who don’t get to the polls.

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SADLER: Put a justice complex on the docket

Something important is missing on planning desks of Indianapolis leaders as they contemplate mass transit, waterworks and other big-ticket projects. It is well past time for a strategy for a new criminal justice complex outside of downtown.

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LEIGHTY: Forgo the tax cut and finish I-69

Arguably one of the most passionate and polarizing debates in the General Assembly this session is the allocation of the transportation budget. Gov. Mike Pence and many legislators agree that money should be spent on repairing deteriorating roads and constructing new highways.

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ODLE: Gov. Pence, please keep my money

Most days I wish the government would take less of my money and let me use it to save, invest, donate or just spend frivolously. I figure I earned this money, it’s mine and I deserve to keep it, right?

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KISSINGER: That’s not fair!

A number of accusations on both sides in the 2012 elections were extrapolations rebroadcast out of context. I began to wonder if the very notion of fairness was worthy of study, or if the word had any substantive meaning beyond complexion and the weather.

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KENNEDY: Unhealthy, unwealthy and unwise

John Kasich (Ohio), Rick Snyder (Michigan), Jan Brewer (Arizona), Brian Sandoval (Nevada), Susana Martinez (New Mexico) and Jack Dalrymple (North Dakota) are all conservative Republican governors opposed to the Affordable Care Act.

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MORRIS: Run for your lives—sequestration is upon us

This is a very scary week. I hope everyone has received that message loud and clear. The great sequester deadline has arrived. March 1 is only a few days away. Not since last year’s end of the Mayan calendar has there been such focus on a date that could preclude the end of days.

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EDITORIAL: Little pleasure in Marsh pain

The $2.2 million judgment against Don Marsh for using Marsh Supermarkets, the grocery chain he led for more than 30 years, as a piggy bank to pay for lavish trips and extramarital affairs caps what will surely be a mixed legacy for the once-powerful businessman.

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