
Radio’s real problem

As a former radio personality (NPR and later WHAS-AM 840 in Louisville and other stations) and broadcast operations manager and intern supervisor at the University of Louisville), I continue to shake my head at Emmis and boss Jeff Smulyan’s total swivet with cell phone operators for refusing to put radio tuners on their phones or switch them on if they exist.

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MAURER: One politician getting a second chance

That irrepressible Mel Reynolds is running again. Janie and I were just laughing with Rose and Bill Mays about being duped when we rallied our respective communities for an “Oreo” fundraiser on Reynolds’ behalf two decades ago.

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BARANOWSKI: Indy is a great city, except…

It was my privilege to testify recently before the House Roads & Transportation Committee in support of House Bill 1011. I joined more than three dozen citizens, community leaders and elected officials to share our support for mass transit in central Indiana.

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RUSTHOVEN: ‘Relevance’ is irrelevant

Among American liberals, coverage of Pope Benedict’s decision to resign and speculation about his successor take a predictable line. The Washington Post’s editorial is typical. The challenge facing the Roman Catholic Church, we are told, is “how to remain relevant to an increasingly secular world and to its own changing membership.” Benedict was a “conservative,” at times “reactionary,” who believed “only uncompromising adherence to past doctrine could preserve the faith.

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Cursive is antiquated

In a political climate where jobs is the watchword of every campaign, I am confused and saddened by the state Senate Education Committee’s 7-4 vote endorsing a bill that would mandate the teaching of cursive writing in elementary school.

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Don’t expand vouchers

I say no to expansion of Indiana’s school voucher program, already the most liberal in the nation when it comes to taking public money and moving it to private—mostly religious—schools. I ask the Legislature, particularly the GOP super-majority, to do more for the “system of common schools” they promised to support when they swore to uphold Indiana’s Constitution.

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Buses, yes, but no rail

I support fully the improvement of the bus system in the metro area [Morris column, Jan. 28]. It is a necessity and the responsibility of government to provide access to those who need this service efficiently and cost effectively.

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