
Cursive is antiquated

In a political climate where jobs is the watchword of every campaign, I am confused and saddened by the state Senate Education Committee’s 7-4 vote endorsing a bill that would mandate the teaching of cursive writing in elementary school.

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Don’t expand vouchers

I say no to expansion of Indiana’s school voucher program, already the most liberal in the nation when it comes to taking public money and moving it to private—mostly religious—schools. I ask the Legislature, particularly the GOP super-majority, to do more for the “system of common schools” they promised to support when they swore to uphold Indiana’s Constitution.

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Buses, yes, but no rail

I support fully the improvement of the bus system in the metro area [Morris column, Jan. 28]. It is a necessity and the responsibility of government to provide access to those who need this service efficiently and cost effectively.

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KENNEDY: Pence should retake Regulation 101

New year, new governor, same song. One of the first official pronouncements from newly inaugurated Gov. Pence was a solemnly delivered promise to stop regulating—to cease issuing administrative rules except when "absolutely necessary."

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MORRIS: Post office is cutting back, but IBJ isn’t

You’ve seen the news coverage. Starting in August, the United States Postal Service will discontinue Saturday mail delivery. Forget the bills. Forget the junk mail. Who cares if you have to wait until Monday to get those items? In fact, studies have shown that seven out of 10 Americans are fine with eliminating Saturday mail delivery.

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EDITORIAL: ISO gets lift, needs leader

Thanks to the generosity of donors, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra has cleared one major hurdle on its path to financial stability. But the biggest challenges lie ahead.

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Rusthoven was bigoted

Far from credible criticism of “the liberal media double standard,” I interpreted Peter Rusthoven’s [Jan. 21] opinion piece “Double Standards on Israel” as an exercise in the expression of bias and bigotry.

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