
Change before it’s broken

The dying service clubs mentioned in John Guy’s [Dec. 31 column] “How to revive dying service clubs” could benefit from following the lead of Toastmasters International which, even though it was growing, evaluated where it was and how it could best serve its membership.

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Benner was ‘uplifting’

Thanks so very much for pointing out the many triumphs and great moments Indianapolis and Indiana had in 2012 [Dec. 31 Benner column].

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HENDERSON: Treat temp workers better

One of the highest costs to businesses is labor. Direct wages, benefits, vacation pay, pension vesting, health care and employment legal costs—they all add up.

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KENNEDY: Privatization expands government

The ugly mud-wrestling match that was the fiscal cliff negotiation is over for the time being. Congress has done what Congress has been doing with some regularity the past few years—it has kicked the can down the road a few months.

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CLARK: The fairness of marriage

Indiana defines marriage in a singular way—between a man and a woman. As I discussed the merits of this law recently with an opponent, his disagreement fell into two fundamental areas: fairness and civil rights.

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Coal plant good for jobs

I commend Lincolnland Economic Development Corp. for finding the perfect fit in a company for our state. The coal gasification plant planned to be built in Rockport will really help our state.

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Gasification plant is wise investment

Lincolnland Economic Development Corp. is recruiting the $2.8 billion Indiana Gasification LLC clean energy project. The plant represents hundreds of permanent, high-paying jobs in newer, cleaner advanced industrial technologies.

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