
SOUDER: The real education message sent by voters

Liberals, at least those aligned with the Indiana teachers’ union, have been creatively interpreting the victory of Glenda Ritz as a rejection of innovative education and a call to return to the old systems of exclusive trust in the educational establishment.

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MASSON: Allow cursive writing to fade away

As I recall the story, the guys in my dad’s fraternity used to haze the pledges by cracking eggs, emptying them down the stairwell and making the new guys catch them in their mouths down at the bottom.

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WESTERHAUS-RENFROW: ‘Bus stigma’ detailing mass transit

I moved to Indianapolis in the summer of 2005. Since then, I have learned to count on three things to occur each summer—a substantial number of die-hard Indianapolis Colts fans will still suffer from acute post-season withdrawal; mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds will nip at my ankles during my evening walk; and a massive, five-month road construction project (or two) will spring up somewhere on Interstate 465.

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ODLE: Let’s be careful whom we call ‘takers’

Mitt Romney’s comment about 47 percent of people being “takers”—those who generally live off the rest of the population’s efforts—reawakened me to a local version of this concept that creeps into our local discourse, that African-Americans in large numbers tend to live off the subsidies of others.

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VAUGHN: Door keeps revolving at Statehouse

With Republican super-majorities in both Statehouse chambers and a newly elected governor eager to make his mark on state government, the upcoming legislative session could get controversial real fast.

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QUILHOT: GOP has become its own worst enemy

During the past three years, I have had the opportunity to serve Arsenal Tech High School’s football team. It has been an edifying time as I have gotten to know our urban high school students in ways only somebody called “coach” can understand.

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Andrews on point about greedy Fair investors

Kudos to Greg Andrews on his [Dec. 10] column about the Fair Finance fraud. There is no excuse for this criminal behavior, and Tim Durham and his buddies got what they had coming to them. But Andrews is spot on in highlighting the complicity of the investors in their demise.

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Roads are investment

Interesting how a Democrat liberal [Kennedy column, Dec. 3] can say, “They burden taxpayers now in diapers in order to deliver today’s services,” and ignore mentioning the fact that today’s entitlements are what the taxpayers in diapers will be paying for long after present taxpayers have enjoyed the new roads built during the Daniels era.

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LIBMAN: Shrink unwieldy not-for-profit boards

As major arts institutions in central Indiana search for administrative leadership and financial stability, a logical question might be, what should be the role of the board for a not-for-profit organization?

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EDITORIAL: Doubling down on life sciences is right idea

The Indiana Economic Development Corp.’s proposal to create a $30 million venture fund dedicated to life sciences startups is good news for a valuable sector of our state economy that has been losing out to the more investor-friendly high-tech sector.

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