
FARGO: Mildly agnostic about finishing I-69

When Interstate 64 came to my hometown, I was too young to appreciate what an amazing engineering feat it was. To me, the construction zone was a wonderland of big trucks and other exotic-looking equipment.

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VANE: Ballard quietly restored City Market

Legacy can be a tricky word. Most leaders are interested in the legacy they will leave when their term ends or they step down from running an organization or entity; others, you could say, probably border on obsessed. Politicians, my reading of history has educated me, fall mostly into the obsessed category.

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MAHERN: Ballard turning competition on its head

While the Republican brand in some quarters may be a bit tarnished these days, there is no doubting what it represents—the idea that we should have smaller government at all levels, and that government should stay out of our personal lives at least so far as taxation and guns are concerned.

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LONGWORTH: To a fault, Daniels focused on costs

Mitch Daniels will leave the governor’s mansion to a chorus of hurrahs from budget-balancers, conservative pundits and the Republican Party, which wishes—now even more than before—that he had run for president. But what can other Midwestern states learn from the Daniels era?

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Impairment is impairment

I am astounded by the editorial reactions and apparent support for the legalization of small amounts of marijuana.

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Don’t restrict who can marry

In Indiana, the groundwork is again being laid by legislators to bring to a vote a constitutional amendment which would define marriage as between one man and one woman.

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Maurer pumped stock

Mickey Maurer’s [Nov. 26] commentary details a very rosy outlook for the future of Endocyte, the Indiana biopharmaceutical company.

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