
ROKITA: Sweeping tax reform long overdue

As I’ve traveled across Indiana and met with Hoosier employees, business executives and civic groups over the past two years, I’ve heard many stories about the complex, unfair nature of our federal tax code.

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EDITORIAL: Transit question is ‘how,’ not ‘if’

Mass transit advocates held a rally here to kick off Indy Connect Now, their latest attempt to convince state legislators that voters in Marion and Hamilton counties should be allowed to decide whether to fund creation of a $1.3 billion bus and light rail system in central Indiana.

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ALTOM: It’s easy to fill gaps in business knowledge online

The online world is blossoming with education, both good and questionable. It was one of the first uses for the Web. The Web brought technical people together to share information, and often it was in the form of a tutorial to answer the question, “How do I get this to do that?”

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EDITORIAL: University bloat ripe for review

The number of administrative workers at Purdue shot up 54 percent in the past decade, nearly eight times the increase in tenured and non-tenured faculty, Bloomberg reported. Meanwhile, the cost for room, board and other expenses for attending the university swelled 60 percent.

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Teachers crave rules

The Bennett/Ritz election was a contest between forward motion and status quo. Daniels and Bennett are pressing the accelerator. Ritz represents a tactically oriented teacher group and will pump the brakes to slow change initiatives.

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Ritz should advocate higher teacher salaries

Teachers have the most difficult job in the world. They aren’t paid what they’re worth.” Across Indiana, these words have become cliché. In their guts, Hoosiers know what data has proven—better pay for teachers translates, in the long run, to better outcomes for students.

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Maurer on target

A note to heartily second your thoughts [Maurer column, Nov. 12] regarding Republican Party politics.

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Don’t ruin Mass Ave

Carol Faenzi hit the nail on the head [Nov. 12 Viewpoint]. I don’t find many who endorse the exterior design of the proposed Mass Ave structure.

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SNYDER: An unnecessary barrier to entry

A few months ago, I was visiting a friend in the hospital. As I observed the staff attending to him, I was impressed by the quality of care he received. It was clear he was in good hands.

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