
LEIGHTY: A way forward for the Republican Party

The Republican Party needs a makeover. After the devastating losses suffered Nov. 6, pundits and politicos alike are asking one question: What will become of the party? As a 21-year-old who will be voting for many years to come, I think the party must make major changes to remain relevant and attract votes of future generations.

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BOEHM: Judicial elections need lawmaker action

Marion County’s trial judges are selected by a process used nowhere else in the state, and, as far as I know, nowhere on this planet. In the May primary elections, the two major parties each nominate only half the number of judges that will be elected in the general election.

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MASSON: Marriage amendment is short-sighted

Thomas Jefferson said, “The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”

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LOU’S VIEWS: Not your average movie book

Lou Harry is on vacation this week. In lieu of his regular column, here’s an excerpt from his new e-book, “The Movie Uncyclopedia: Everything You Think You Know About Movies is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.”

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Mass Ave design should be edgier

At the American Institute of Architects Regional Conference in Lexington, Ky., Olson Kundig of Seattle and Archimania of Memphis, the keynote speakers, left Indiana architects in awe of the beautifully detailed and technologically experimental, and amazingly crafted work.

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ROKITA: Sweeping tax reform long overdue

As I’ve traveled across Indiana and met with Hoosier employees, business executives and civic groups over the past two years, I’ve heard many stories about the complex, unfair nature of our federal tax code.

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EDITORIAL: Transit question is ‘how,’ not ‘if’

Mass transit advocates held a rally here to kick off Indy Connect Now, their latest attempt to convince state legislators that voters in Marion and Hamilton counties should be allowed to decide whether to fund creation of a $1.3 billion bus and light rail system in central Indiana.

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