
RUSTHOVEN: You’ll like Governor Pence

Mike Pence’s victory in our gubernatorial contest was the highlight for Hoosier Republicans on Tuesday, and among the few bright spots nationally on a largely dismal night for the GOP.

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MAURER: Moderate Republicans, lend me your ear

Now that the Tea Party has swapped the best public servant in the United States Senate and a sure Republican seat for newly elected Joe Donnelly, a Democrat, perhaps it’s time moderate Indiana Republicans stand up and reclaim the party.

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EDITORIAL: Pence should stick with business game plan

It will soon be time for newly elected governor Mike Pence to prove his critics wrong. Pence beat challenger John Gregg in a closer-than-expected race in which he was accused of using his campaign’s major themes—jobs and the economy—to hide his conservative social agenda from Hoosier voters.

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MORRIS: Your vote on Nov. 6 is important

We all need to express our feelings about what’s going on in our local communities, our state and our country by casting votes for the candidates we believe can make the most positive impact on our lives.

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LOU’S VIEWS: Michael Feinstein shines in book on the brothers Gershwin

For me, the highlights of any Michael Feinstein concert come in between the numbers, when the cabaret and concert star—and artistic director of the Center for the Performing Arts—shares anecdotes and insight about the composer and lyricists who crafted the tunes. His storytelling style translates nicely to the printed page.

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Rusthoven an ‘epigone’

It is clear that Richard Mourdock is an astringent to the derriere of Peter Rusthoven [Oct. 29 column]. How else does one explain why the luminous Lugar acolyte Rusthoven would attack Mourdock for Mourdock’s cumbersome locution for which he has apologized and clarified?

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Selective spin

Bruce Hetrick’s [Oct. 22] column “spouted off” on two examples of GOP “spin,” one regarding Republican Paul Ryan, the other regarding Republican Mitt Romney.

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SCHMIDT: Romney energy policy best

Indiana is blessed with abundant energy resources. We have a 300-year supply of coal. A substantial part of the 214 million barrels of oil and 4.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the Illinois Basin sits in southwestern Indiana. We have even more natural gas locked away as shale gas, coal bed methane and landfill gas.

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