
KENNEDY: Lots of tea, not much sympathy

Mike Pence has been running a strategically brilliant campaign, taking care to mask his inner culture warrior while displaying a previously invisible interest in economic development and job creation.

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HICKS: The problems with polling and predictions

Just days before a presidential election, there’s no doubt we will be bombarded with poll results and election models designed to predict winners and losers. It is useful to explain how these work without technical jargon.

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KRUGMAN: Pols should follow the economic evidence

The U.S. economy finally seems to be recovering in earnest, with housing on the rebound and job creation outpacing growth in the working-age population. But it will take years to restore full employment. Why has the slump been so protracted?

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SOUDER: Pence is show horse and work horse

Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg has hauled out the canard that Mike Pence is a “show horse,” not a “work horse,” based upon two “polls” in 2006 and 2008. Neither was scientific: They were anonymous, voting multiple times could be easily done, and rivals could rig the voting.

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BOEHM: Good reasons not to toss out judges

The ballot this year will ask you whether two judges of the Indiana Supreme Court and four on the Court of Appeals will be retained in office. Don’t forget to vote yes on all six retention questions.

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