
Obesity battle can be won

The shocking news about obesity keeps on coming. As IBJ reported in its Oct. 8 editorial, “Residents’ health a weighty issue,” more than half of Hoosiers will be obese by 2030, costing us billions of dollars in health care and lost productivity.

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Disheartening response

Thank you for the [Oct. 8 Morris column] on the Senate race. Some important issues seem to be swept under the rug in this important race.

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Might leave the state

[Hetrick’s Oct. 8 column] was spot on. I tend Democrat but have been voting for Richard Lugar since I could vote in 1972.

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Sports, arts not rivals

Bill Benner’s [Oct. 15] column on arts versus sports drives home the point of the misguided view that the arts and sports are equal rivals! This column should have appeared on your front page!

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Question Rockport

One is left to wonder why Bill Styring [Oct. 15 Forefront] and others like him were so darned slow to engage in this issue.

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STEINOUR: Midwest leads national recovery

The real news is that the Midwest in general and Indiana in particular is bouncing back. In fact, the Midwest is not only resurgent—it is leading the national economic recovery.

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MAURER: Mourdock makeover isn’t flattering … or believable

Senate hopeful Richard Mourdock energized the right wing of the Republican Party this spring when he declared uncategorically that he rejects cooperation with his political opponents and that his brand of partisanship defines compromise as “Democrats coming our way.”

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EDITORIAL: City waterways plan awash in promise

It’s invigorating to see the big potential of grass-roots economic development efforts. Take, for example, the Reconnecting to Our Waterways initiative, a mammoth plan to use six waterways in the city to attract investment and improve the neighborhoods that surround them.

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