
Vote to restore balance

Three things have modulated the excesses of unfettered American capitalism since the rise of the Progressive Era in the early 20th century: labor unions, government regulations, and the progressive income tax system. It’s no coincidence that the rise of the American middle class followed.

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How’s Obama workin’ for ya?

I have avoided writing about any of left-wing author Sheila Kennedy’s opinion pieces because she’s such an easy target. However her [Oct. 22] “Elections have consequence” piece calling Republicans extremist demands a response.

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Hetrick spins, too

Bruce Hetrick’s Oct. 22 column “Spouting off about the all-too-common art of spin” begins by offering the reader his view on how characters in the Broadway play “The Book of Mormon” are adept at spinning falsehoods in the guise of “helping people.” Hetrick provides spinning of his own, personally reviewing the highly irreverent play as hilarious, pant-wetting entertainment.

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Drop Rusthoven

Peter Rusthoven’s columns are horrible. There is no business information in them, just conservative Republican dribble.

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Math illiteracy rampant

Please don’t blame the state’s emphasis on tests for the lack of life skills in mathematics [Meredith column, Oct. 1].

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Drum up more flights

I could not agree more—connections to and from Indianapolis [Oct. 22] are totally inadequate.

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AHLRICHS: Turn up the heat on innovation

Indiana is showing the first signs that innovation is becoming part of its brand. On Oct. 26 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, 500 of Indianapolis’ most impassioned TEDx fans heard ground-breaking thought leaders discuss the challenges, innovations and future of design learning.

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RUSTHOVEN: Mourdock one-ups even Akin

A few weeks back, Missouri GOP Senate nominee Todd Akin, channeling his frustrated inner M.D., said that when women are raped, their bodies react to prevent pregnancy.

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MAURER: My stint in public service was a thrill

I lived it. I loved it. I bragged about it—too much. Then I forgot about it. That is until Kelly Nicholl, vice president of marketing for the Indiana Economic Development Corp., asked me to provide a short summary of significant events from my time as president of the IEDC and secretary of commerce.

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Obesity battle can be won

The shocking news about obesity keeps on coming. As IBJ reported in its Oct. 8 editorial, “Residents’ health a weighty issue,” more than half of Hoosiers will be obese by 2030, costing us billions of dollars in health care and lost productivity.

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