
BOHANON: Rating the candidates for governor

The outgoing Daniels administration takes great pride in its fiscal probity and not without justification—the state’s budget is in surplus, its credit rating is better than the U.S. governments’, and business taxes have been reduced.

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VAUGHN: Stop the campaign money shell game

While it is easy to see the effect of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Citizens United case, since corporate-sponsored political ads have dominated our airwaves for months, it is much more difficult for voters to determine exactly who is paying for these ads.

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Getting out the vote

In his [Aug. 27] column, Bruce Hetrick challenged us—the opinion leaders of the Indianapolis community—to do more to encourage voter participation, and he has good reason to be concerned. According to the Indiana Civic Health Index, the Hoosier State ranks 48th in voter turnout and 43rd in voter registration. Some might be disappointed in our ranking, but I see this as a call to action.

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Governed by profligates

Plato said, “The penalty good men pay for inattention to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” In Carmel, [Sept. 17 Styring column] we have chosen commerce over the constitution, the rule of man over the rule of law.

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Brainard, ‘cronies’ should leave

While I agreed with almost every point [Styring, Sept. 17] made, there is one that I must vehemently object to—specifically his statement that “I don’t question the mayor’s honesty or good intentions.”

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WILLIAMS: Anchor MSA redevelopment with City Hall

Any successful revitalization of the Market Square Arena site demands restoring the former City Hall as the public’s house. City Hall’s decaying grandeur casts a long shadow over the neighboring parking lots created by the implosion of MSA 11 years ago and is probably overwhelming the facile designs associated with redevelopment proposals.

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KENNEDY: True family-values campaigns

Recently, all eyes have been glued to developments in the presidential race and to Indiana’s campaigns for governor and U.S. senator. We’ve paid less attention to the folks running for seats in the Indiana House and Senate.

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EDITORIAL: More Brainard scrutiny overdue

In a former life, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard was a real estate attorney. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that splashy development projects have been a hallmark of his four terms as mayor.

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Teacher preparation already changing

At the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, we agree with David Harris [Sept. 3 Forefront] that Gov. Mitch Daniels is in an exciting position to reform teacher preparation at Purdue. Some steps have already been taken there, with the governor’s endorsement.

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