
Pancake too thin

I know Rex Early is a loyal Republican but I was surprised of his [Sept. 1 column] support for Mourdock. While he may tell it as he sees it, he fails to understand it is a mighty thin pancake that does not have two sides.

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STORY: Health care rationing has already arrived

There will be health care rationing. The only question is who will do the rationing—the government, health care providers, or you and me. The odds are good there will be some rationing from all those sources

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More credits for Denison growth

We want to thank IBJ for the [Sept. 24] profile of Denison Parking. While Denison’s partnership with the citizens of Indianapolis was highlighted in the article, our partnership with Hal Darring and Global Parking was left unpublished.

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PERSON: Stand up for the ISO before it’s too late

For three years, Indianapolis was the city I called home, and the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra was where I was proud to work. I am sad to learn not only of the serious problems the organization now faces, but also of the possibility that the Indianapolis community could lose one of its greatest assets.

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RUSTHOVEN: The ‘Hee Haw’ candidate distorts again

John Gregg is at it again. In a gubernatorial campaign marked by dishonest attacks on GOP nominee Mike Pence, Gregg’s newest ad shows him under an umbrella with water running off it. Gregg, speaking in Mr. Folksy mode, tells us Pence wants to spend Indiana’s entire “rainy day” fund. Citing his experience as former Vincennes University president, Mr. Folksy warns this is a bad idea, one more way Pence threatens education.

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BRODY: Accountable care organizations improve health care

As we began looking at accountable care organizations, we clearly understood that this new model complemented our existing approach and had potential to significantly affect care, leading to better communication, better coordination of care, and better outcomes for patients.

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HARVEY: Dearth of faculty leading to nurse shortage

The looming shortage of nurses and the faculty to educate nurses threatens Americans’ access to quality health care. As our population ages and health care becomes more extensive and complex, an increasing demand for highly educated nurses persists. This need directly influences the necessity for nursing faculty.

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MAY: Spur job growth by helping businesses compete

The most critical issue for District 7 residents is the economy. We need to redouble our efforts to create an environment for greater job growth. Mayor Ballard has done an excellent job of attracting investment domestically and by building partnerships throughout the world in this global economy. However, he needs a stronger partner in Washington.

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