
RIVERA: Critical to send Mourdock to the Senate

I find it awkwardly self-serving when a candidate for public office tells me the next election—when he or she is on the ballot—is the most important election of my lifetime. This happens at least once every election cycle.

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HOWEY: Mourdock not sounding like old self

With every public survey since the May primary repeatedly showing Republican U.S. Senate nominee Richard Mourdock in a dead heat with Democrat Joe Donnelly, the Indiana treasurer has taken on a remake of his battered image.

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STYRING: Carmel no longer can afford Brainard

Four-term Carmel Mayor James Brainard has to be on a publicity-induced high. Keystone Parkway recently got a design award from a national transit engineering firm. Better still, Money named Carmel first on its list of America’s best small cities.

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Informed beats hype

In the same [Aug. 27 Hetrick column] that tells the reader how “…citizens of third-world countries line up for miles, hours and even days to cast ballots…” he also tells the reader that votes in the United States are being suppressed because we close the polls at 6:00?

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Too many TIFs

“Carl” [Aug. 20 Taft column] most likely would have taken the job in another factory at lower wages and taken night classes to train for a better job. He needs the income to support his family.

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Another CDC fan

Thank you for running the [Sept. 3 Forefront] remarks from Sam Odle about the important role that community development corporations play in tackling the challenge of rebuilding our neighborhoods.

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Symphony shrinking from greatness

The recent proposals [Sept. 3 IBJ] by the board of directors and the compliant management of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to “save” it will only lead to its demise if implemented.

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Thank you for [Benner’s Sept. 3] commentary on Lance Armstrong. I could not believe my ears when Travis Tygart of the United States Anti-Doping Agency announced something of the sort of “since Lance Armstrong will not prove himself innocent, we must find him guilty…”

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Different conclusion

Studying the same subject, I came to a different conclusion, especially when the whole story is revealed [Kennedy column, Aug. 27].

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KENNEDY: Music intrinsic to world-class cities

When I was in city hall in the late 1970s, the goal was to make Indianapolis a “world class” city. That wasn’t just rhetoric used by Mayor Hudnut. It was echoed by the City Committee (now long defunct) and by Lilly Endowment, which generously facilitated the goal.

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MORRIS: Fox 59 is serious about local news

The announcement was made back in May and IBJ reported on it again in last week’s paper. However, I want to highlight WXIN-TV Channel 59’s expanded news coverage in the 6 p.m. hour, Monday-Friday, which starts airing this week. It’s the latest expansion of news at Fox 59 and the move is significant.

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EDITORIAL: Rally to save the symphony

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is in a mess that will be hard to recover from, but it’s not too late for the symphony’s depleted management, the musicians and the community to rally and save one of the city’s top cultural attractions before it’s permanently crippled.

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HICKS: Global slowdown makes its way to Wyoming

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently spoke of a slowing world economy at the annual fete of world economists in Jackson Hole, Wyo. His speech was the typical measured prose of someone whose choice of adverbs has the capacity to send markets diving. However, to an experienced listener, two interesting tidbits emerged.

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Who believes Lance Armstrong? I do, and many feel the same

Within moments of cyclist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong’s announcement that he would no longer contest the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s relentless quest to strip him of his seven Tour de France titles, the social network Facebook came alive with “I told-you-he-was-a-cheater” diatribes. I responded thusly: I still believe—and believe in—Lance Armstrong. I may be hopelessly […]

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