
EDITORIAL: Braly ouster overstates failures

Investors heaped criticism on former WellPoint Inc. CEO Angela Braly and called for her ouster in the weeks leading up to her resignation Aug. 28, but her leadership of the health-insurance giant might not be judged so harshly once the smoke clears.

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BOEHM: Inside the 1987 Pan American Games

Pardon me for reminiscing on this 25th anniversary of the 1987 Pan American Games. Others have told how the Indianapolis “sports strategy” helped regenerate downtown, grow IUPUI, and establish Indianapolis as a major league city and a convention destination.

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SHELLA: Voters are pretty good at limiting terms

Mitch Daniels is leaving office because of a term limit. As he departs at the end of his second four-year hitch, a recent independent poll placed the Daniels approval rating at 66 percent, showing a large majority of voters still approve of the job he’s doing.

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KETZENBERGER: How newspapers shot their own feet

Mr. Chapman lived across the street from my elementary school, in a ramshackle house behind the candy store. I’d seen him around, but never met him until I started to deliver the Auburn Evening Star along 15th Street.

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WINSTON: Invest in young African-American males

I am the parent of a seventh-grader who looks forward to this school year with excitement, hope and a sense of optimism. Unfortunately, many of her peers do not share those thoughts. I am particularly concerned about African-American males.

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DAVIS: Daniels stood on Democratic shoulders

It’s getting close to election time. I find many voters are feeling a depressed malaise. When we feel that way, it’s hard to imagine regaining the energetic confidence we could have, and that we need to succeed.

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