
SOWELL: Obama long on intellectual arrogance

After reading Barack Obama’s book “Dreams from My Father,” it became painfully clear that he has not been searching for the truth, because he assumed from an early age that he had already found the truth.

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BONIFIELD: Toward sober laws on alcohol sales

Football season is here, bringing with it swelled TV audiences, increased tax revenue for Indianapolis, filled seats in Lucas Oil Stadium, and frustrated fans across the state. For many, their frustration will likely catch them by surprise and have nothing to do with Andrew Luck’s accuracy or holes in the Indianapolis Colts defense.

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MUTZ: Star can survive media market chaos

Once upon a time, three daily newspapers operated in Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Times, a Scripps-Howard paper, was first to stop its presses, in 1965, a victim of competition and the advent of aggressive electronic news sources.

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MAHERN: Cut unnecessary hassle of college loans

Earlier this year, U.S. student loan debt achieved a milestone. It surpassed outstanding credit card debt. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, student debt is rising when other debt is flat or even falling. Fifteen percent of all Americans with a credit score are carrying student debt.

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VANE: A grand time at the GOP convention

Going to a convention really is a “bucket list” item for those of us who find politics so compelling. I can only imagine what the conventions were like a hundred years ago—much less scripted and scrutinized I’m sure—but there was such tremendous optimism and energy in Tampa last month.

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TAFT: Why I didn’t watch the conventions

I admit it. Even though I was a political science minor in college, I did not watch one minute of the Republican or Democratic national conventions. But I am not alone. In some very informal polling, I have learned that lots of engaged local leaders also skipped these television events.

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MYERS: Hoping conventions never go out of style

For an actor, actress or movie buff, it is the Academy Awards. For a basketball player and fan, it is March Madness or the NBA Finals. For the swimmer, gymnast, or distance runner and those of us who admire their talents, it is the Olympics.

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KRULL: Daniels, Pence may watch wistfully

Now that the national political conventions have come and gone and the presidential campaign season is about to reach top gear, at least two Hoosiers have to be watching with mixed emotions.

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BECK: Rallying women to the voting booth

When women vote, women win. That’s the mantra the 51% Club has adopted in an effort to encourage women to vote this election cycle. An organic, grass-roots movement of Democratic women throughout Indiana, the 51% Club has repeatedly shared some startling statistics.

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SWAYZE: Where the real war on women rages

War on women? The only one I see is the plight of the single mother suffering from broken commitments, her own poor choices, and an overwhelmed system poorly designed to serve her and her children.

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FARGO: More questions for Gregg and Pence

The Indiana Coalition for Open Government was putting together such a list for the gubernatorial candidates as I wrote this column. While I played a small role in that effort, I would also like to ask a few questions of Mike Pence and John Gregg that are not on the list:

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ZOELLER: Protecting children from abuse will be biggest priority

As attorney general, and in my prior position as chief deputy in this office, I understand and appreciate the relationship between the Office of the Attorney General and the General Assembly. Indiana is one of only six states where the office is created by the Legislature and not by the state constitution.

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FLEMING: Antiquated criminal code needs sweeping update

The piece of legislation I believe is most critical is a comprehensive revision of Indiana’s criminal code. The last comprehensive revision of the code occurred in 1977. Although there have been some legislative changes since then, our criminal code is terribly outdated.

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RIVERA: Critical to send Mourdock to the Senate

I find it awkwardly self-serving when a candidate for public office tells me the next election—when he or she is on the ballot—is the most important election of my lifetime. This happens at least once every election cycle.

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HOWEY: Mourdock not sounding like old self

With every public survey since the May primary repeatedly showing Republican U.S. Senate nominee Richard Mourdock in a dead heat with Democrat Joe Donnelly, the Indiana treasurer has taken on a remake of his battered image.

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STYRING: Carmel no longer can afford Brainard

Four-term Carmel Mayor James Brainard has to be on a publicity-induced high. Keystone Parkway recently got a design award from a national transit engineering firm. Better still, Money named Carmel first on its list of America’s best small cities.

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Informed beats hype

In the same [Aug. 27 Hetrick column] that tells the reader how “…citizens of third-world countries line up for miles, hours and even days to cast ballots…” he also tells the reader that votes in the United States are being suppressed because we close the polls at 6:00?

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Too many TIFs

“Carl” [Aug. 20 Taft column] most likely would have taken the job in another factory at lower wages and taken night classes to train for a better job. He needs the income to support his family.

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