
STYRING: Daniels could turn the tide at Purdue

Nearly everyone claims to have a strategic window into Mitch Daniels’ head. In truth, no one, including me, knows his plans for Purdue University when he assumes the presidency. Perhaps he, himself, isn’t entirely certain at this point.

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BECK: Still lagging on early childhood education

When Melina Kennedy ran for mayor of Indianapolis last year, childhood education was a cornerstone of her campaign. The issue caught the attention of parents, employers, educators and the media, and Kennedy made a compelling case for investing in our community’s human capital.

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MUTZ: Break up the school building monopoly

Indiana school corporations no longer have a monopoly on public school programming because the charter movement has given families a choice. But charter schools do not have financial support from state or local government to build, remodel or lease locations for their schools.

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BENNETT: Sweeping reforms empower local districts to succeed

When I took office in 2009, the Indiana Department of Education set high expectations for our children. My staff and I set ambitious goals for student achievement: improving ISTEP+ pass rates and high school graduation rates, having more students taking Advanced Placement exams, and increasing the number of college credits and technical certifications students earn in high school.

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KRULL: Health care law now a reality for pols

Mitch Daniels’ letter inviting the candidates who want to succeed him as governor to weigh in on how Indiana should implement parts of President Obama’s health care reform law demonstrates at least two things.

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Benner again misses mark

Once again, Bill Benner [July 30] misses a key point in the NCAA’s handling of Penn State when he applauds the NCAA’s “courage and swift response” in his hypothetical reaction to it being his son subjected to sodomy in the Penn State locker room showers.

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AHLRICHS: Embedding strategy in the ranks

Multiple organizations, from St. Vincent Health to Emmis Communications Corp. to Buckingham Cos. to Riley Children’s Foundation, have added a “chief strategy officer” to their ranks.

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